Copy: “Corks are unreliable. They allow air to seep into the bottle causing oxidation and dulling the wine, up to 10% of wine may be marred by cork taint. The wine will smell like wet cardboard and taste horrible. Now there’s no need to chance a cork. With a metal screw cap air cannot get into wine. Avoid disappointment, for you and your guests, by buying wine with a Stelvin screw cap. Learn more at”
When buying wine choose only those with a screw cap.
Print magazine and digital display advertising
Anyone who drinks wine
Don’t chance a wine that’s corked.
Corks are unreliable. For over 300 years before screw caps wine drinkers had to accept a certain number of bottles mightbe spoiled, as cork can allow air to seep into the bottle causingoxidation. Up to 10% of wine may be marred by cork taint. A small amount of air gets in, dulling the wine. It might still be drinkable, but not as good as the winemaker intended. To the point where the wine is undrinkable. The term for this is‘corked.’ The wine will smell like wet cardboard and tastehorrible. The older the wine, the more likely it might beundrinkable due to cork failure. Now there’s no need to chance a cork. With a metal screwcap air cannot get intowine. Avoid disappointment, for you and your guests, by buying wine with a Stelvin screw cap.
A convincing, sober argument. But don’t be scared to have fun.
The Stelvin Wine Bottle Screwcap
(At the base of the layout)
The Stelvin Logo. (a box with the word Stelvin inside.)
It’s rare that a manufacturer persists in using a product that is known to fail.
Over the 50-years since the introduction of the Stelvin metal Screw Cap its efficiency and superiority to cork has been well established.
Yet some winemakers persist in sealing wine bottles with a cork. They believe pulling, ‘popping,’ a cork is an essential part of the ceremony, the mystique, the tradition of wine drinking: but no wine lover should agree.
A generation of wine drinkers has grown up without corks, and the ritual. They’re aware corks are unreliable. In fact, take a wine with a cork to a dinner party today and you might find the host doesn’t even own a corkscrew.
Stelvin’s brief required a “convincing, sober argument”, which is why I kept my response brief, but punchy. My choice of simplicity was to make it stand out and highlight the central issue that the advert was trying to address: Wine bottles with corks. In order to reach the intended audience of “anyone who drinks wine”, I used a universally shared experience with wine-drinkers (as someone who has drank wine) which was crumbly corks. i wanted to remind people of this common pet peeve and annoyance with drinking wine, whilst also informing them that this actually has an effect on the wine itself and that the Stelvin screw cap can prevent this.